FAWL - Williston airport
FAWL stands for Williston airport
Here you will find, what does FAWL stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Williston airport? Williston airport can be abbreviated as FAWL What does FAWL stand for? FAWL stands for Williston airport. What does Williston airport mean?Williston airport is an expansion of FAWL
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Alternative definitions of FAWL
View 3 other definitions of FAWL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FAWK Waterkloof Afb airport
- FAWI Witbank airport
- FAWH Windhoek airport
- FAWE Windhoek airport
- FAWD Warden airport
- FAWC Worcester airport
- FAWB Wonderboom airport
- FAWA Warm Bath airport
- FAVY Vryheid airport
- FAVW Victoria West airport
- FAVV Vereeniging airport
- FAVU Volksrust airport
- FAVR Vredendal airport
- FAVP Vanderbijlpark airport
- FAVI Von Abo's Villa airport
- FAVG Virginia airport
- FAVF Verborgenfontein airport
- FAVE Ventersdorp airport
- FAVD Vrede airport
- FAVB Vryburg airport